Die beste E-Shisha im Test – Ein Überblick

E-Shishas sind voll im Trend! Die Geräte, die übrigens seit 2012 auch als E-Hookahs bekannt sind, konnten sich insbesondere in den vergangenen zwei bis drei Jahren an immer größerer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Dieser Trend zeigt sich deutlich bei den Verkaufszahlen, die sich in den letzten zwei Jahren fast verdreifacht haben. Insbesondere für gesellige Gruppen ist die neue Form der E-Zigarette sehr zu empfehlen, denn sie ist nicht nur gesünder als herkömmliche Shishas, sondern sie schmeckt dazu noch unglaublich gut und macht einfach Lust auf mehr.

Doch was macht die E-Shisha nun so besonders?

Die Antwort ist eigentlich ganz einfach, schließlich liegt der einzige Unterschied zwischen E-Zigarette und E-Hookah in den Bestandteilen des Rauchstoffs. E-Shishas arbeiten nämlich ohne Nikotin und sind dadurch für den Verbraucher noch weniger gesundheitsschädlich. Vielmehr blicken wir hier lediglich auf einen Mix aus pflanzlichem Glycerin, Propylenglykol und Geschmacksverstärkern.

Die Produkte mögen sich im ersten Moment etwas komisch anhören, sind aber im Grunde genommen wenig gesundheitsgefährdend. Insbesondere also im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Zigaretten sind E-Shishas weitaus weniger schädlich. Seid jedoch beim Kauf eurer E-Shishas und insbesondere der Liquids vorsichtig, denn in der Vergangenheit kam es immer wieder vor, dass auch hier mit Nikotin gearbeitet wurde.

Der zweite Unterschied liegt offensichtlich in der Form. E-Shishas sind um einiges größer als ihre Verwandten E-Zigaretten, was längere Sessions verspricht. Insbesondere für größere Gruppen sind sie daher bestens geeignet und machen unglaublich viel Spaß.

Da wir im Folgenden die beste E-Shisha im Test beurteilen wollen, haben wir uns natürlich den unterschiedlichen Subgruppen angenommen, darunter der E-Shisha Pen (Stick), die E-Hookah sowie die E-Pfeife.

Der E-Shisha Pen (Stick)

Wenn wir von E-Shishas reden, meinen wir meistens die E-Shisha Pens oder eben auch Sticks, welche als Einweg-Geräte gehandelt werden. Nach etwa 300-500 Zügen habt ihr diese Produkte fertiggeraucht und könnt sie entsorgen. Sie sind meist nur leicht größer als herkömmliche Zigaretten und kommen oft in den unterschiedlichsten Geschmackssorten daher. Die Preise für einen derartigen Stift sind zwar unterschiedlich, bewegen sich jedoch meist zwischen 3 und 10 Euro. Die Geschmacksrichtungen sind sehr vielfältig und kommen meist als Mix daher. Das bedeutet, dass ihr unterschiedliche Geschmäcker in einem Pack erhaltet.

Zu den beliebtesten Produkten, insbesondere im deutschen Raum, zählen:

  • „Wegwerf E-Shisha“
  • Cigma Vape
  • Ezee
  • Dreamliner
  • Shisha Star

Die (auffüllbare) E-Hookah

Nun reden wir von Produkten, die sich von herkömmlichen E-Zigaretten etwas entfernt haben und eher in Richtung Box Mods gehen. Aufgrund ihrer Wiederbefüllbarkeit überrascht dies natürlich kaum. Achtet hier beim Kauf jedoch wirklich darauf, dass ihr ein geeignetes Gerät kauft. Denn oft kommt es vor, dass bestimmte Produkte nur mit Liquids funktionieren, die vom gleichen Hersteller kommen. Was im Endeffekt natürlich eher ein unschöner Beisatz ist, da man sehr an einen Produzenten gebunden ist.

Unsere Lieblingsprodukte aus dem vergangenen Jahr haben wir im Folgenden für euch aufgelistet:

  • Nox 24
  • Kaiser
  • KUBO
  • Dipse

E-Hookah Pfeifen – der neuste Trend

Wer nun bei dem Wort Shisha natürlich an das herkömmliche Produkt denkt, wird bei den kleinen Stiften, die heutzutage unter dem Namen E-Shisha kursieren, auf nur wenig Gemeinsamkeiten stoßen. Manch einer mag sogar enttäuscht vom Design sein, da man den Aufbau mit Schläuchen, Wassertank und weiteren Dingen gewohnt ist.

Ganz anders die E-Pfeife, die dem Aufbau einer herkömmlichen Shisha sehr nahe kommt. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass der enthaltene E-Liquid elektronisch erhitzt wird, wohingegen bei den normalen Shishas der Geschmack durch den angereicherten Tabak entsteht. Der Dampf, der im Endeffekt entsteht, ist jedoch gleich zu dem einer Shisha und schmeckt ebenfalls unglaublich. Für alle Shisha Fans ist das also eine wirklich ernstzunehmende Alternative.

Jetzt ausprobieren und umsteigen

Wir wollen wirklich jedem empfehlen, der oft Shisha Produkte benutzt, dass man sich die elektronischen Geschwister einmal näher ansieht. Schließlich sind diese nicht nur weniger gesundheitsschädlich, sondern stehen in Sachen Rauchentwicklung und Geschmack den herkömmlichen Produkten in nichts nach. Der Umstieg empfiehlt sich definitiv, daher solltet ihr euch unbedingt mal die genannten Geräte näher ansehen. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!

Vaping – The Pros and The Cons

Whether your vaporizer is giving you pleasure from the nicotine or THC, the pros and cons are readily available for your argument and input. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same style, thus why there are so many options out there that are unique.

Here, we are going to look at what the pros offer us and what the cons offer us. After looking this over, the intention here to provide you enough information that you can determine which is right for you, if anything at all.

healthVaping Pros

You get off those stinky sticks of tobacco! Yes, vaping looks a lot like cigarette smoking, but as you know, they are nothing alike. First, a smoker walks around smelling like tobacco all day while a vaper may smell like cinnamon buns, candy, fruit, or a woodsy smell.

You feel better and will get more exercise. What a smoker doesn’t realize is that when they smoke traditional cigarettes, they don’t have as much energy and as such, they aren’t as active. You won’t find a pack-a-day smoker in the gym exercising! This results in smokers becoming overweight which can lead to depression which can lead to a host of other health issues.

Vapers look better. Your skin and teeth become brighter because their body is getting better circulation. They aren’t as irritable, and they lose that smoker’s cough.  A vaper’s sense of smell and taste returns and that makes going out to eat much better.

You save money, and who doesn’t want to do that?! A basic electronic cigarette starter kit cost approximately $30 or less, and you’ll get that back in brief time because you won’t be buying traditional cigarettes at $10-$15 a pack. Of course, you can spend more on different vape mods, but your biggest expense will be buying the juices and replacement coil each week.

Variety is the spice of vaping! You will have a wide range of flavors to choose from in the e-juices and when it comes to the electronic cigarette’s mods, there are several assorted styles. Choose the one that fits your character and your personality.

Custom fit your nicotine need. Traditional cigarettes come with a specific level of nicotine but electronic cigarettes you can choose your level of nicotine. This means you can use less and keep lowering the amount of nicotine until you no longer have any nicotine use.

your health

Vaping Cons

You’ll most likely experience dry mouth, but then other people experience dry mouth too – especially people on a lot of medications. The answer to that is to increase your water intake.

You may experience dizziness, but smokers also experience dizziness. Because nicotine is a stimulant, when you inhale it, it can make you dizzy. With electronic cigarettes or traditional cigarettes, when you feel dizzy or light headed, the best thing to do is put down the e-cig or cigarette and rest awhile. Your dizziness could be totally unrelated to either one too.

Caution is advised if you have allergies when choosing your e-juice flavors. There is chocolate and nut flavors as well as fruits and woods and many of them are a derived from nature. PG or VG can cause allergic reactions too.

Judgement will be there from others! Even though e-cigs have become popular the past few years, there are clueless people that judge vaping and those who partake in vaping. But everything we do in life is judged by somebody, right?

Your Guide to the Triathlon

thriatlonA triathlon is a multi-disciplined sport which consists of three different events, hence the prefix “tri” in its name, meaning “three”. In fact, the name is derived from Greek, from the words “treis”, meaning “three”, and the word “athlos” meaning “competition”. The three sports which are involved are usually running, cycling and swimming, and it is considered to be an excellent sport for keeping active thanks to its great variety of types of exercise.

What Is A Triathlon?

A triathlon is a competition which involves multiple stages. Three continuous endurance disciplines must be completed in sequence. Although there are several variations of the sport, the most popular form of the triathlon incorporates swimming followed by cycling and then running, with each activity immediately following the last, over a range of distances. The athletes (or triathletes, as they are known) are competing to be the fastest to complete the entire course, and there are timed transitions between every component.

Between each segment of the race, athletes go to a transition area where they can change their gear in order to compete in the next segment of the event. In these areas, bicycles and performance clothing are stored together with all accessories required to compete in the next stage. A transition area could be large or small, depending on how many competitors are participating in the race, but usually this area is also a social hub before the race begins.

The T1 transition is from swimming to cycling, and the T2 transition is the transition between cycling and running. Each athlete’s overall time taken to complete the race is the entire time spent completing both T1 and T2.

The focus of the triathlon is on perseverance and persistence, with athletes taking part in periodized training in all three of the disciplines. They also take part in general strength condition and combination workouts to ensure that they remain at the peak of their fitness.

What Is The History Of The Triathlon?

The first triathlon is believed to have its origins in a race which was held in the 1920s in France. This event, known variously as “les trois sports”, “La course des Touch a Tout” or “la course des debrouillards” is still held every year near Joinville le Pont. However, there was one early event held in 1902 which also involved three sports, although the activities in that race were running, canoeing and cycling.

The first modern event to actually take the name “triathlon” and which involved swimming, cycling and running was held in 1974 in California, USA. This race was directed and conceived by Don Shanahan and Jack Johnstone, both of whom were members of the San Diego Track Club. The event was sponsored by the club itself and involved just 46 participants.

Although the distances covered during each segment of the competition vary depending on the event and the nature of its competitors, when the sport was first debuted at the 2000 Olympics, it involved swimming for 1,500 metres, followed by a 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run.

To Vape Or Not To Vape – The Great Debate!

The new craze of vaping is done with an electronic cigarette, also referred to as an e-cig or an e-cigarette. Over the next few years, we’ll see this already popular item become even more popular, and so will the profitability.

This apparatus is battery-operated and designed to help those who smoke traditional cigarettes quit, or at least cut back. How this alternative way to smoke works has been discussed here and everywhere else … and so has the debate if vaping is safer than smoking traditional cigarettes.

E-Cigarette How Do These Vaporizers Work?

A traditional cigarette is rolled tobacco products as are cigars. In contrast, electronic cigarettes do not have tobacco, and nor do they produce smoke. Electronic -cigarettes use a liquid, referred to as e-juice or e-liquid, a mixture of three or four ingredients:

  • Propylene Glycol
  • Glycerin
  • Flavoring
  • Nicotine

There is a detachable cartridge that pairs with the atomizer and battery and that is where the e-liquid is placed. A battery powers the atomizer which generates heat which generates vapor from the e-liquid. The vapor delivers the sensation that smokers crave and provides a unique taste from the e-liquids. This happens as the atomizer is activated when the user inhales which vaporizes the liquid. The vapor from electronic cigarettes is like the smoke that tradition cigarettes have.

The Rise of Electronic Cigarettes

It is a common belief that it was 1963 when the first electronic cigarette was invented. But it was 2003 when the e-cigarette we know today was invented by a Chinese pharmacist. For several years, this pharmacist would introduce his electronic cigarette to patients in China before receiving an international patent. That was 2007 and it then became available to American and European markets for the first time.

Soon after, the tobacco industry took the invention and began marketing the electronic cigarette and mass producing them. It is said that e-cigarettes have created a three-billion-dollar industry worldwide. This is in part because the tobacco companies aren’t the only ones who promote this new-found craze.

They are touted as one of the best ways to quit smoking according to individuals and organizations. In fact, experts tell us that electronic cigarettes are a part of this phenomenon in reducing the risks of tobacco harm. While others credit the device for minimizing the exposure to second-hand smoke.

Because this device can still provide the user with nicotine, there is growing concern though as children and teens are drawn to electronic cigarettes and the many flavors the e-juices offer. They are readily available online, making it easy for underage purchasing.

Electronic Cigarette Proponents Side

There is less carcinogens produced from electronic cigarettes than traditional cigarettes because they use a vapor technology instead of tobacco, which is known to be full of chemicals. Electronic cigarettes are said to be more effective in smoking cessation and have proven to help reduce a smoker’s habit, even quit smoking.

Even when one considers what effect second-hand smoke does, the effects are less harmful from the second-hand vapor versus second-hand smoke that traditional cigarettes expel. Electronic cigarettes have become socially acceptable, mainly because they do not generate an obnoxious smell like traditional cigarettes. Nor do they stain your fingernails or teeth and they are cheaper!

Electronic Cigarette Opposition

Electronic cigarettes can use nicotine at the discretion of the user.  Regardless whether it is in an e-cig or a traditional cigarette, nicotine is an addictive drug that impacts the brain’s neurotransmitters which brings about the behavior and cravings known of smokers.

There are carcinogens emitted by electronic cigarettes as well and even though it is in insignificant amounts, the liquid nicotine is highly dangerous. Results from testing of electronic cigarettes have found metal in the vapor which is also toxic.

There is very little regulation in the e-cigarette industry and as of right now, the FDA has not approved electronic cigarette products. Electronic cigarette ads appeal to the 12 to 17-year-old age group, making them a dangerous advertisement in the opinion of experts and parents. Electronic cigarette still encourages the habit of smoking, which in the opinion of some experts, isn’t helpful in kicking the habit.

 Today’s Stand on E-Cigarettes

The FDA is interested in regulating e-cigarettes as well as other vaporizers. There are some legal jurisdictions that have already begun cracking down on the use of these products, including other vapor-type products. A few states, such as New Jersey, North Dakota, and Utah have issued restrictions in the use e-cigarettes in venues that are established as smoke-free. There is other type of restrictions in 10 other states and over 150 counties across American have established similar restrictions.

From Smoker’s Cough To Vaper’s Cough

vapers lungsIsn’t it funny how so many people are worried about the pollution from automobiles and industries causing health problems and irritating our lungs, but think nothing of somebody vaping? People worry about the cancer, diseases, endless health issues that cigarette smoking causes, but again, they don’t think anything about somebody vaping.

While research and studies are still new and vague in regard to electronic cigarettes and vaping, researchers are finding that there is a vaper’s cough. Similar to a smoker’s cough, sounding a lot like bronchitis, with phlegm and all, the vaping trend is leading to another trend: Vaper’s cough.

And what’s more concerning about vaper’s cough, it has become more present in teens!  Recently, a research team asked two thousand junior and senior students in California high schools about vaping.

The 2,000 participants were asked if they had experienced any respiratory issues such as coughs, especially coughs that produced phlegm. Approximately 500 admitted they had vaped, with 200 of them in the last thirty days.

Those who had vaped recently were found to be two times more likely to be diagnosed with chronic bronchitis than those that never had vaped. Those that had vaped before but in the last 30 days were just as likely to be diagnosed with chronic bronchitis as the recent vaping students.

What Are Symptoms And Causes Of Bronchitis?

bronchitisBronchitis is when the lung’s airways are inflamed or irritated by gases or particles. When we breath in assaulting particles regularly, our lungs respond by coughing, or bronchitis. Bronchitis can often lead to wheezing, and the coughing often brings up phlegm. Other factors that can cause bronchitis are bacterial infections, colds, flu, as well as chemicals, tobacco, and pollution.

When these symptoms do not clear up and go away, the cough caused by bronchitis is often called “smoker’s cough.” If a person has a daily cough that has lasted 90 days straight, they are usually diagnosed as having chronic bronchitis.

It is no secret that a long-time cigarette smoker is prone to develop permanent lung damage as they age. The research on vaping hasn’t been around long enough to determine if long-time vapers will experience this too.

The Fruity Flavors Are The Draw

The juice used in electronic cigarettes come in a variety of flavors, many of them are fruity and sweet. It is those flavors that have attracted more teens according to a new study. When the flavors are candy-scented or fruit flavored, it draws more young people, which is why the USDA banned flavored cigarettes in 2009 except for menthol flavored.

Teens tend to believe that if it has a pleasant taste, it isn’t dangerous to their health. However, studies have found that some of the flavoring, such as the cinnamon extract, are just as harmful. Research has found that when the flavors are removed, fewer teens are vaping.

There is no doubt that the more studies that are completed, and the more information those studies provide, there will be more new laws and policies put in place in regard to electronic cigarettes, their juices and the act of vaping.